Shower and exfoliate skin prior to all Infinity Sun sessions. We recommend using the INFINITY SUN RENEWING EXFOLIANT. Only use an abrasive exfoliant (ex: loofahs, sugar/salts scrubs) up to 3 days prior to your treatment, as this will create abrasions that will interfere with the evenness of the application.
Shaving and waxing should be performed 8 hours before coming in for an Airbrush Tan. Razor blades should be replaced before shaving after sunless tanning to avoid stripping the newly tanned skin.
Avoid using deodorant, lotions, creams, makeup, etc. before tanning session.
Remove all jewelry and contact lenses.
Tie long hair up away from the face & neck.
Attire for tanning: Dark-colored, loose-fitting clothing should be worn to your appointment. During your Airbrush session, women may wear or not wear whatever makes them feel comfortable. Men are required to wear boxers or swim trunks. Your Airbrush technician will provide the utmost discretion for your comfort. The Infinity Sun bronzer washes out of most clothing very easily, but can stain wool, silk, light nylon, and other synthetic materials. Therefore avoid wearing these on the day of you tanning session. Also if possible, Bring or wear flip flops to avoid any possible contact with sweat on the feet.

Avoid showering, bathing, swimming, moisturizing, or partaking in any strenuous activity that could cause sweating until the following day (at least 8-12 hours).
While tan is developing, wear dark, loose-fitting clothing (about 8 hours).
Use a gel based, moisturizing soap (not bar soap) when showering/bathing. Gently, pat dry the skin.
Use only NEW razors to gently shave the skin. Using old, dull razors will exfoliate the skin immediately and remove your Airbrush tan.
Apply INFINITYSUN HYDRATING EXTENDER every other day (preferably at night) to help keep skin hydrated, smooth, and to prolong tanning results.
Apply a non-tanning moisturizer twice a day.
Avoid exfoliating skin or products that exfoliate the skin such as AHA, BHA, anti-againg products, etc.
Avoid spraying perfume/body sprays onto the tanned area of skin.
Avoid makeup removers.
Use INFINTYSUN GLOW ON THE GO to touch up areas if fading occurs.
Acne products
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s), citric and tartaric acids, Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA’s) & salicyclic acids.
Anti-aging products
Body hair bleach, depilatory hair removers
Curel lotion
Dove soap/shower gel
Deodorant soaps
Facial masks and exfoliating scrubs
Makeup removers/baby wipes
Toners containing alcohol or witch hazel
Use of a loofah, scrub mitt, etc. for daily washing
Wax hair remover